Get More Leads For Your Mortgage Broking Business, Guaranteed*

Our KLT-Pro signature system is guaranteed to get you more loan leads from social media, or we’ll refund your fees* and shout you a hot pizza

*Conditions apply. There are limited spaces on this program.

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Imagine you’re standing in your boardroom, discussing sales figures with your team, and…


Your upfront and trail numbers are making you dizzy

You've got that unforgettable rush of excitement because clients are practically begging for you to help them, your book is growing, and your growth plans are falling into place


Your sales pipeline needs a fire extinguisher

Phwoar. Your leads are HOT. And they convert. All because your social media content makes you stand out, and your Irresistible Offer attracts ideal clients like bees to honey.


You have inner peace because you've cracked "the code"

Great marketing is no longer an elusive mythical creature. You have a well-planned, carefully executed strategy implemented by a team invested in your success.


Your competitors are both confused and furious

You're winning your prospects' hearts and minds. And you're totally dominating your total addressable market. Your brand is being perceived much bigger than it really is.

Finally, your dream is coming true.

You're the leader of a growing brokerage because:

  • You are writing more loans for ideal clients (at a very profitable cost-per-acquisition)
  • You are getting results faster than you were beforehand
  • You are completely free from doing social media marketing so you can focus on higher value work
  • You are no longer facing a steep learning curve in this ever-changing digital marketing space
  • You are getting more consistent results at a cheaper cost, more predictably

However, many mortgage brokers don't get this far.

Perhaps you’re feeling frustrated because…

Whatever you try, you just can’t get good results from social media

...which is leaving you feeling frustrated and wondering if social media marketing is actually a viable option for your mortgage broking business

It feels like social media ads are completely saturated in your niche

...which makes you feel lost and unsure how you can attract and convert the new clients you know you can serve

You don’t have a “big brand budget”

...which means it feels like you can’t compete with some other competitors who have deeper pockets (hint: a great strategy can overcome this)

You have no idea what you should do to get the results you want

...but you can’t afford to pay a full-service digital agency or a full time digital marketing manager, which also leaves you feeling frustrated and a bit lost

You’ve been burnt in the past by digital marketing agencies

...and you’d feel a lot more comfortable moving forward if they provided a results guarantee

Ad platforms are just far too complicated

...and you’re too time poor to learn how to use them (or you realise that your time is just too valuable to even try)

Whoa, wait a minute!


Here's the truth: getting leads from social media is NOT as hard as you think…

You just need the right strategy coupled with expert implementation.

And that’s why we guarantee to generate you more leads from social media ads, or you get a refund and a delicious hot pizza delivered to your door*.

You’re going to LOVE ❤️ this program, because it’s nothing like you’ve ever tried.

Here’s why the "KLT-Pro" social media ad system is different than anything else you’ve ever tried:

✅ You'll get noticed by the clients who really matter (AKA big loan deals)

You'll get scroll-stopping, eyeball-catching content that solves your prospects problems, helps them achieve their property dreams, and positions you as the most logical pathway if they need help. This helps you get noticed by those who REALLY matter.

✅ You'll become known as a trusted authority in your space.

We’ll create and share content that builds trust in your expertise and positions you as a respected industry authority.

This is where your campaign will REALLY set you apart.

✅ You'll build a valuable bond with prospects before they ascend into the 'purchase' status

Unlike your competitors who only (foolishly) target people who are buying now, you'll educate and indoctrinate ideal prospects prior to them being "buy-ready".

This will create a valuable sales relationship that places you 'front of mind' when people are ready to buy, and makes your sales process so much more effective.

✅ KLT-Pro is "done for you".

We'll prescribe your strategy, tell you what "raw materials" we need from your end, and build your campaigns. This means you can spend all of your "marketing time" on providing great content, instead of working out what to do to get results.

✅ You NEVER have record a "talking head" video (but you can if you want).

Your ads will feature YOU, but you never have to record a video of your face (and we don’t use those creepy AI videos, either). We tell you what to say, how to say it, and then ask you to record your voice using your smartphone. It will take you all of 30-60 minutes. And then we build your engaging videos.

✅ We'll guide you every step of the way, so you can focus on crushing other goals.

We'll work as a team to produce your industry-leading, attention-grabbing, lead-generating social media campaign.

This means you can focus your time on other business goals (or taking a well-earned breather between client calls).

So, what is the KLT-Pro Ad System, and why is it guaranteed to work?

“KLT” stands for Know, Like, Trust. It’s an evergreen social media ad system designed to attract, nurture, and convert ideal prospects for your sales pipeline.

The KLT-Pro system is simple and doesn’t take months to build (in fact, your campaign could be up and running 21 days from now).

1) You’ll Get “Irresistible Offer” Messaging

We work with you to craft an irresistible offer, that your ideal customers simply can’t refuse.

2) You’ll Get “Signature System” Messaging

We also wrap your service or complex product into a “signature system” that demonstrates exactly how you provide unique value.

3) You’ll Get “Conversion Funnel” Pages

We build a landing page system that excites your ideal customers, indoctrinates them into your community, and entices them to reach out for a conversation with you.

4) You’ll Get A Social Media Traffic “Know” Campaign

We build a campaign that piques the interest of your ideal prospects and captures them into an audience, ripe for nurturing.

5) You’ll Get A Social Media “Like” Campaign

Once we’ve attracted ideal prospects into your nurturing audience, we create and share a mix of compelling educational video content designed to (a) demonstrate your authority, (b) elevate your status, and (c) stimulate enquiries via your landing page.

We call upon the “Larger Market Formula” here, because only 4% of your total addressable market are ready to buy.

6) You’ll Get A Social Media “Trust” Campaign

We’ll also create traditional direct response messaging and ads that convince and convert traffic into enquiries for your sales pipeline.

You’ll also receive weekly reports that let you know how many enquiries you’ve received, how much you’ve spent, and any other insights you might find interesting. 

The best part? You don’t need to invest hours and hours helping us get it started. And you don’t need to appear on video, either.

However we don't work with everyone, and for good reason.

Our program will be suitable for you if:

You have an established mortgage broking business

You have a proven sales process (and can handle in influx of leads)

You have testimonials and can use them in your marketing

You are happy to optimise your sales offer

This program is NOT suitable for you if:

  • You’re a startup or are in early stages of your business
  • You don’t have any social proof (eg. testimonials)
  • You’re not willing to adapt your sales offer and messaging
  • You aren’t willing or able to advertise on Facebook and Instagram

Our program is GUARANTEED to work, or you get a refund and a pizza*

We’re so confident in this program that we guarantee its performance.

Here’s how this guarantee works:


We set your lead goal

We look at your previous 30 days of social media marketing ad performance, prior to working with us, and determine how many leads you received (leads = X).


We get more leads, or we refund you

If we can’t get you more leads (>=X+1)) during the next 30 days following a seven-day 'warm up' period (once our campaigns are live), from the same ad spend, targeting the same locations, we will:

  • Refund all fees you have paid us so far
  • Ask you to choose a large pizza from a nearby pizza outlet, and we will order it for you at a time that works best for you


You can keep your ads either way

You can also keep the ad creative we create for you. You can keep using it, if you wish.

Now, you have an important choice to make that will change the future of your mortgage broking business

Hi, I’m Ben. I’m a social media strategist at ProNarrative. Can I try and guess your current situation? Here goes:

  • You’re DETERMINED to build a mortgage broking business (and trail) you can be proud of
  • To achieve this goal, you need leads for your sales pipeline
  • But you’re not sure how to generate them consistently
  • And you feel frustrated or lost because of one or more things you can’t figure out
  • You’re interested in this program because our strategy is unique
  • You also feel comfortable with our money-back performance guarantee

I get it: you have multiple doorways
to choose at this stage of your journey

You could:

  • Change nothing, and keep running your ads with your current agency. But the fact you’re reading this tells me you’re unhappy, or you could be happier.
  • Or you could try and implement this strategy yourself. But your time is too valuable to spend it in a space like this. You must be closing leads, not generating them.
  • Or you could spend two minutes completing booking form on this page, so you can connect with me and learn more about this program and the huge benefits it could create for you

But hurry because this program is popular and spaces are limited

If you’re ready to start a social media marketing campaign that’s literally guaranteed to get you better results or your money back, request a quick chat by clicking here

Then, if we both agree that this program is a fit for you, we’ll book a kick off call where we will…

  • Set a performance goal that we MUST meet 
  • Explain our video tactics and social media strategy
  • Tell you exactly what we need from your end
  • Give you a crystal clear roadmap of what to expect

You have a simple choice. Will you regret making the wrong decision?

Either way you benefit.

You get more leads, or a refund and a hot pizza.